This filter copies pixel by pixel a source frame to a target frame. It remaps the pixels to a new x,y destination based on two files ymap/xmap. Map files are passed as a parameter and are in PGM format (P2 or P5), where the values are y(rows)/x(cols) coordinates of the source_frame. The *target* frame dimension is based on mapfile dimensions: specified in the header of the mapfile and reflected in the number of datavalues. Dimensions of ymap and xmap must be equal. Datavalues must be positive or zero. Any datavalue in the ymap or xmap which value is higher then the *source* frame height or width is silently ignored, leaving a blank/chromakey pixel. This can safely be used as a feature to create overlays.
Algorithm digest: Target_frame[y][x] = Source_frame[ ymap[y][x] ][ [xmap[y][x] ];
Example command: ffmpeg -i fisheye_grid_input.jpg -i fisheye_grid_xmap.pgm -i fisheye_grid_ymap.pgm -lavfi remap out.png
Example files are attached to this page.
This can be used to create 360 movies with equirectangular projection, for example to upload to youtube. Attached also for specific 360 camera's:
- Ricoh Theta S camera: input files for resolution 1920x960(1080).
- Samsung gear camera: input files for resolution 2560x1280
How to generate PGM files for a front projection (half a sphere! I leave other projections to people who are experts in the math involved. See Paul Bourkes site on projections for a ton of ideas):
/* MIT License Copyright (c) 2016 F.P. Sluiter Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <libgen.h> #include <string.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <math.h> /* Compile with: gcc projection.c -Wall -o project -lm * math.h does not like to be linked directly... * Example call: ./project -x front_kodak_sp360_1440_xmap.pgm -y front_kodak_sp360_1440_ymap.pgm -h 1440 -w 1440 -r 1440 -c 1440 -m front --verbose */ /* Flag set by ‘--verbose’. */ static int verbose_flag; typedef struct double2{ double x; double y; }double2; typedef struct double3{ double x; double y; double z; }double3; enum CameraMode { FRONT, FRONT235, BACK, UP, DOWN, SAMSUNG_GEAR_360, THETAS }; typedef struct configuration { char* xmap_filename; char* ymap_filename; int xmap_set; int ymap_set; int rows; // target int cols; // target int height; //source int width;//source int rows_set; int cols_set; int height_set; int width_set; int crop; enum CameraMode mode; } configuration; configuration parse_options(int argc, char **argv){ int c; configuration po; //to hold parsed options po.xmap_filename=NULL; po.ymap_filename=NULL; po.xmap_set=0; po.ymap_set=0; po.rows=0; po.cols=0; po.rows_set=0; po.cols_set=0; po.height_set=0; po.width_set=0; po.mode=FRONT; //default while (1) { static struct option long_options[] = { /* These options set a flag. */ {"verbose", no_argument, &verbose_flag, 1}, {"brief", no_argument, &verbose_flag, 0}, /* These options don’t set a flag. We distinguish them by their indices. */ {"help", no_argument, 0, 'q'}, /* options with arg*/ {"xmap", required_argument, 0, 'x'}, {"ymap", required_argument, 0, 'y'}, {"rows", required_argument, 0, 'r'},//target {"cols", required_argument, 0, 'c'},//target {"height", required_argument, 0, 'h'},//source {"width", required_argument, 0, 'w'},//source {"mode", required_argument, 0, 'm'}, {"crop", required_argument, 0, 'b'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; /* getopt_long stores the option index here. */ int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "qx:y:r:c:h:w:m:b:", long_options, &option_index); /* Detect the end of the options. */ if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 0: /* If this option set a flag, do nothing else now. */ if (long_options[option_index].flag != 0) break; printf ("option %s", long_options[option_index].name); if (optarg) printf (" with arg %s", optarg); printf ("\n"); break; case 'x': po.xmap_filename = optarg; po.xmap_set++; break; case 'y': po.ymap_filename = optarg; po.ymap_set++; break; case 'h': po.height = atoi(optarg); po.height_set++; break; case 'w': po.width = atoi(optarg); po.width_set++; break; case 'c': po.cols = atoi(optarg); po.cols_set++; break; case 'r': po.rows = atoi(optarg); po.rows_set++; break; case 'b': po.crop = atoi(optarg); break; case 'm': if (strcmp(optarg, "front") == 0) { po.mode = FRONT; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "front235") == 0) { po.mode = FRONT235; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "down") == 0) { po.mode = DOWN; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "samsung_gear_360") == 0) { po.mode = SAMSUNG_GEAR_360; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "thetas") == 0) { po.mode = THETAS; } /* more else if clauses */ else /* default: */ { printf("Camera mode %s not implemented \n",optarg); exit(1); } break; case '?': /* getopt_long already printed an error message. */ case 'q': printf ("Usage: %s -x|--xmap FILE_x.pgm -y|--ymap FILE_y.pgm -h|--height 300 -w|--width 400 -r|--rows 600 -c|--cols 800 \n", argv[0]); printf ("h,w is source size, r,c is targetsize \n"); exit(1); break; default: abort (); } } /* Instead of reporting ‘--verbose’ and ‘--brief’ as they are encountered, we report the final status resulting from them. */ if(verbose_flag){ switch(po.mode){ case FRONT: printf("Camera: Front proj\n"); break; case FRONT235: printf("Camera: Front 235 proj\n"); break; case DOWN: printf("Camera: Down proj\n"); break; case SAMSUNG_GEAR_360: printf("Camera: samsung_gear_360\n"); break; case THETAS: printf("Camera: Theta S\n"); break; default: printf("Camera mode not in verbose, exiting\n"); exit(1); } } /* Print any remaining command line arguments (not options). */ if (optind < argc) { printf ("ERROR: non-option ARGV-elements: "); while (optind < argc) printf ("%s ", argv[optind++]); putchar ('\n'); exit(1); } if(po.xmap_set!=1||po.ymap_set!=1){ printf("ERROR: Xmap and ymap are mandatory arguments and have to appear only once!\ntry --help for help\n\n ");exit(-1);} if(po.rows_set!=1||po.cols_set!=1){ printf("ERROR: Target Rows and Cols are mandatory arguments and have to appear only once!\ntry --help for help\n\n ");exit(-1);} if(po.height_set!=1||po.width_set!=1){ printf("ERROR: Source Height and Width are mandatory arguments and have to appear only once!\ntry --help for help\n\n ");exit(-1);} return po; } #define MAXROWS 4500 #define MAXCOLS 4500 int pgmWrite_ASCII(char* filename, int rows,int cols, int **image,char* comment_string) { FILE* file; /* pointer to the file buffer */ // int maxval; /* maximum value in the image array */ long nwritten = 0; /* counter for the number of pixels written */ long x,y; /* for loop counters */ /* return 0 if the dimensions are larger than the image array. */ if (rows > MAXROWS || cols > MAXCOLS) { printf ("ERROR: row/col specifications larger than image array:\n"); return (0); } /* open the file; write header and comments specified by the user. */ if ((file = fopen(filename, "w")) == NULL) { printf("ERROR: file open failed\n"); return(0); } fprintf(file,"P2\n"); if (comment_string != NULL) fprintf(file,"# %s \n", comment_string); /* write the dimensions of the image */ fprintf(file,"%i %i \n", cols, rows); /* NOTE: MAXIMUM VALUE IS WHITE; COLOURS ARE SCALED FROM 0 - */ /* MAXVALUE IN A .PGM FILE. */ /* WRITE MAXIMUM VALUE TO FILE */ fprintf(file, "%d\n", (int)65535); /* Write data */ for (y = 0; y<rows;y++){ for (x = 0; x < cols; x++){ fprintf(file,"%i ",image[y][x]); nwritten++; } fprintf(file,"\n"); } fprintf(file,"\n"); printf ("\nNumber of pixels total(from rows*cols): %i\n",rows*cols); printf ("Number of pixels written in file %s: %ld\n\n",filename,nwritten); fclose(file); return(1); } /* So, to get the x’,y’ position for the circular image we will have to first pass the * coordinates x,y from the rectangular output image to spherical coordinates using the * first coordinate system, then those to the second shown spherical coordinate system, * then those to the polar projection and then pass the polar system to cardinal x’,y’. */ double2 evaluatePixel_Front(double2 outCoord, double2 srcSize) { double2 o; double theta,phi; double3 sphericCoords; double phi2_over_pi; double theta2; double2 inCentered; //convert outcoords to radians (180 = pi, so half a sphere) o.x = outCoord.x / srcSize.x; o.y = outCoord.y / srcSize.y; theta = (1.0-o.x) * M_PI; phi = o.y * M_PI; //Convert outcoords to spherical (x,y,z on unisphere) sphericCoords.x = cos(theta)*sin(phi); sphericCoords.y = sin(theta)*sin(phi); sphericCoords.z = cos(phi); //Convert spherical to input coordinates... theta2 = atan2(-sphericCoords.z,sphericCoords.x); phi2_over_pi = acos(sphericCoords.y)/(M_PI); inCentered.x = ((phi2_over_pi*cos(theta2))+0.5)*srcSize.x; inCentered.y = ((phi2_over_pi*sin(theta2))+0.5)*srcSize.y; return inCentered; } void gen_front_maps(configuration cfg,int** image_x,int** image_y ){ int x,y; printf("Front proj\n"); for (y = 0; y<cfg.rows;y++){ for (x = 0; x < cfg.cols; x++){ double2 o = evaluatePixel_Front((double2){((double)x/((double)cfg.cols)) * ((cfg.width)-(2*cfg.crop)), ((double)y/(double)cfg.rows) * ((cfg.height) -(2*cfg.crop))}, (double2){(cfg.width)-(2*cfg.crop), cfg.height-(2*cfg.crop)}); image_x[y][x] = (int)round(o.x)+cfg.crop; image_y[y][x] = (int)round(o.y)+cfg.crop; } } } int main (int argc, char **argv) { int y; int** image_x; int** image_y; configuration cfg = parse_options(argc,argv); if(cfg.xmap_filename) printf("xmapfile: %s\n",cfg.xmap_filename); if(cfg.ymap_filename) printf("ymapfile: %s\n",cfg.ymap_filename); image_x = malloc((cfg.rows)*sizeof(*image_x)); for(y=0;y<(cfg.rows);y++) image_x[y]= malloc((cfg.cols)*sizeof(*(image_x[y]))); image_y = malloc((cfg.rows)*sizeof(*image_y)); for(y=0;y<(cfg.rows);y++) image_y[y]= malloc((cfg.cols)*sizeof(*(image_y[y]))); switch(cfg.mode){ case FRONT: gen_front_maps(cfg,image_x,image_y); break; /* case FRONT235: gen_front235_maps(cfg,image_x,image_y); break; case DOWN: gen_down_maps(cfg,image_x,image_y); break; case SAMSUNG_GEAR_360: gen_samsung_gear_360_maps(cfg,image_x,image_y); break; case THETAS: gen_thetas_maps(cfg,image_x,image_y); break; */ default: printf("Camera mode not implemented\n"); exit(1); } printf("Writing files\n"); pgmWrite_ASCII(cfg.ymap_filename, cfg.rows,cfg.cols,image_y,cfg.ymap_filename); pgmWrite_ASCII(cfg.xmap_filename, cfg.rows,cfg.cols,image_x,cfg.xmap_filename); if(image_y){ for (y = 0; y<cfg.rows;y++) free(image_y[y]); free(image_y); } if(image_x){ for (y = 0; y<cfg.rows;y++) free(image_x[y]); free(image_x); } exit (0); }
It's also possible to generate the xmap and ymap files with FFmpeg. You find many examples in this document:
Attachments (6)
- fisheye_grid_input.jpg (101.6 KB ) - added by 9 years ago.
- fisheye_grid_xmap.pgm (604.4 KB ) - added by 9 years ago.
- fisheye_grid_ymap.pgm (575.5 KB ) - added by 9 years ago.
(526.6 KB
) - added by 9 years ago.
Theta S input maps
(1.0 MB
) - added by 9 years ago.
Samsung Gear 2560x1280 input files
(10.6 KB
) - added by 9 years ago.
Example to generate pgm files for front projection