Opened 5 months ago

Last modified 5 months ago

#11034 new defect

Stream copy with -use_editlist 0 introduces delay by default, causes A/V desync without warning

Reported by: pchu Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: avformat
Version: git-master Keywords: mp4 editlist
Cc: MasterQuestionable Blocked By:
Blocking: Reproduced by developer: no
Analyzed by developer: no


Summary of the bug:
At first, I was trying to fix some mp4 files' problematic editlists (preferably get rid of them), only to find that if I extract and remux the audio/video streams, the resulting mp4 files still and always have an editlist.
Later, I tested on mp4 files that don't have editlists in the first place. It seems that FFmpeg copy-codec introduces editlists by default, unless force -use_editlist 0.
I notice that, with the default -use_editlist auto option, ffprobe -v trace out.mp4 shows a non-zero media_time in the video stream editlist, meaning that A/V would desync (if FFmpeg really copies the streams without any modification, which is not true as I'll show below).
Instead, with -use_editlist 0 option, ffprobe -show_streams out.mp4 shows a non-zero start_pts and start_time in the video stream, again meaning that A/V would desync (which is real).

How to reproduce:

ffmpeg -i "elst_test.mp4" -codec copy -copyts -copytb 1 -fps_mode passthrough -avoid_negative_ts disabled "out_with_elst.mp4"
ffmpeg -i "elst_test.mp4" -codec copy -copyts -copytb 1 -fps_mode passthrough -avoid_negative_ts disabled -use_editlist 0 "out_without_elst.mp4"

All those options -copyts -copytb 1 -fps_mode passthrough -avoid_negative_ts disabled are me trying to tell FFmpeg not to process input timestamps, although they have no effect. The output files are the same with or without these options. The resulting files always have timestamps modified.

I inspect the first frames/packets with ffprobe -select_streams v -read_intervals 0%0.5 -show_packets elst_test.mp4 and out.mp4, with and without -ignore_editlist 1 option. To summarize, their timestamps are:

% elst_test.mp4 (no editlist):
% time_base=1/600, start_pts=0
frame  I    P    B    B    B  ...
DTS  -40  -20    0   20   40  ...
CTS    0   80   40   20   60  ...
PTS    0   80   40   20   60  ...

% out_with_elst.mp4 (with an editlist saying media_time=1280):
% time_base=1/19200, start_pts=0
frame  I    P    B    B    B  ...
DTS    0  640 1280 1920 2560  ...  (not counting editlist shift)
CTS 1280 3840 2560 1920 3200  ...  (not counting editlist shift)
PTS    0 2560 1280  640 1920  ...  (counting editlist shift, A/V synched)

% out_without_elst.mp4 (no editlist):
% time_base=1/19200, start_pts=1280
frame  I    P    B    B    B  ...
DTS    0  640 1280 1920 2560  ...
CTS 1280 3840 2560 1920 3200  ...
PTS 1280 3840 2560 1920 3200  ...  (out-of-sync by 1280/19200 seconds)

Finally, I googled a lot and was able to narrow down the reason why FFmpeg insisted on shifting all timestamps forward and making start_pts non-zero : version 0 of the CTTS box doesn't accept negative CTS-DTS offsets. With this constraint, out_without_elst.mp4 has to start at PTS = 1280.

I realized at this point that ffprobe -show_packets did not report 'correct' or 'raw' DTS:

% elst_test.mp4 (no editlist):
% time_base=1/600, start_pts=0
frame  I    P    B    B    B  ...
DTS    0   20   40   60   80  ...  ('raw' DTS from STTS box)
CTS    0   80   40   20   60  ...  (calculated from DTS and CTTS box)
DTS  -40  -20    0   20   40  ...  (then shift DTS by 40) <- reported by ffprobe

My workaround to produce no-delay v1 CTTS video:

ffmpeg -i "elst_test.mp4" -codec copy -movflags +negative_cts_offsets "out_with_elst_CTTSv1.mp4"
ffmpeg -i "elst_test.mp4" -codec copy -movflags +negative_cts_offsets -use_editlist 0 "out_without_elst_CTTSv1.mp4"

But there're still problems:

  1. No warning is shown when FFmpeg chooses to follow v0 CTTS box specification and introduces unwanted delays.
  2. The only method -movflags +negative_cts_offsets that allows FFmpeg to use v1 spec (to keep input timestamps untouched) is not documented/mentioned neither under -copyts option section nor under -vsync/-fps_mode or -avoid_negative_ts option sections, so that I had to dig deeper to find it.
  3. I also wonder why -avoid_negative_ts disabled does not imply the use of v1 spec (which is also the input file timestamps spec! ). Why -copyts does not imply using the same version of CTTS box in output as in input file?
  4. When no other options except for -use_editlist 0 is given, shouldn't the default behaviour be using v1 CTTS (same as input) with a "using-v1" warning shown in cmdline, instead of using v0 CTTS with an "A/V-desync" warning?
  5. ISO/IEC 14496-12:2015(E) explicitely states that "The DT axis has a zero origin". Then why ffprobe -show_packets deliberately shifts DTS to a non-zero origin in order to keep CTS-DTS offsets non-negative, pretending to be a v0 CTTS box (which is not)?
  6. When negative_cts_offsets flag is set, out_with_elst_CTTSv1.mp4 no longer needs an editlist to shift its start_pts, but the implicit option -use_editlist auto still creates an editlist for no reason, with a media_time = 0. What's the point?
  7. -copytb 1 does not stop FFmpeg from modifying the time_base=1/600 -> 1/19200. How can I stop this and why is it doing so?

Attachments (2)

ffmpeg-20240527-193020.log (719.6 KB ) - added by pchu 5 months ago.
ffmpeg -v 9 -loglevel 99 -i elst_test.mp4 -report
elst_test_sample100KB.mp4 (100.0 KB ) - added by pchu 5 months ago.
dd if=elst_test.mp4 of=elst_test_sample100KB.mp4 bs=1024 count=100

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

by pchu, 5 months ago

Attachment: ffmpeg-20240527-193020.log added

ffmpeg -v 9 -loglevel 99 -i elst_test.mp4 -report

by pchu, 5 months ago

Attachment: elst_test_sample100KB.mp4 added

dd if=elst_test.mp4 of=elst_test_sample100KB.mp4 bs=1024 count=100

comment:1 by MasterQuestionable, 5 months ago

Cc: MasterQuestionable added
Component: undeterminedavformat
Keywords: mp4 editlist added

͏    There are potentially implementation problems with "-copyts" ͏"-avoid_negative_ts":
͏    Seemingly overlapping.

͏    I do not yet have the time to further analyze.

͏    See also:

͏    As for the spec-compliance: I fear many of the specs are illy-defined.
͏    See:
͏ ("MasterQuestionable")

Version 0, edited 5 months ago by MasterQuestionable (next)
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